

Hey, after been through those hard time, those uneasy feeling. and so on.

Finally I can take a deep breath. and have a good night sleep. Because waiting is over. Waiting for UPU is over. Even though I am not accepted by the university that I really want, but hey I am so grateful at least I can continue my study into programme that I like much.

I got UNIMAS for:

This such a big news for me. I never thought I could grab this chance to be what I want to be in future.

Your warm wishes and pray I am very appreciated. may Allah bless you gaiss, my lovely readers xoxo.

However, congratulation to those who got accepted into any UA in Malaysia.
Our hardwork are pay now. This is super incredible thing for us. Wonderful feeling ever. Because STPM leavers know very well those hard time we have been through in 3 semester plus with repeat paper and endless assignment. May those experience be useful in university later. So my next step is make all preparation before going to Sarawak.

Pray for me so God can ease my journey and you gais journey.

with love,


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